Posted by Libby Daker ( on 13:34:51 21/10/04
I am looking for some good critics responses for class and status within Howards End. I am wanting to concentrate on the contrast between Leonard and the Schlegels with the Wilcoxes being the middle family. Also I would like other opinions on the Schlegels being open thinkers. Any ideas? Thank you
Posted by Heiko (editor) on 09:58:08 05/11/04
Colmer, John. “Howards End Revisited.” _A Garland for E. M. Forster_. Ed. H. H. Anniah Gowda. Mysore: Literary Half-Yearly, 1969. 9-22.
Winkgens, Meinhard. “Die Funktionalisierung des Deutschlandbildes und seiner Konnotation einer idealistischen Kultur in E. M. Forsters Howards End.” _Images of Germany_. Ed. Hans-Jürgen Diller et al. Anglistik und Englischunterricht 29/30. Heidelberg: Winter, 1986. 113-142.
Maybe you can also find sth. in Horatschek's _Alterität und Stereotyp_ but this is actually about Forster's international novels. However, I think the function of othering is quite common among his novels--be it HE or WAFT, RV or PI.
I can really recommend Winkgens, so have a look if you can understand German.
Best reagrds,
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