em forster .de

Further Notices

:start::further notices:

Further Notices


According to the standards of the Modern Language Association (MLA; Handbook, 7th ed.), you may refer to this source in a list of works cited as follows:

Zimmermann, Heiko, ed.  emforster.de: Aspects of E.M. Forster.  Heiko Zimmermann. 1 Mar. 2000 - 13 Jan. 2025. Web. 13 Jan. 2025 .

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About Us


Verantwortlich i. S. v. § 6 Mediendienstestaatsvertrag (MDStV) und § 6 Teledienstgesetz (TDG):

Dr. Heiko Zimmermann
Wisportstraße 20
D-54295 Trier


Heiko Zimmermann (h.z.)
General editor, webmaster.


George Piggford
Review of The Feminine Note in Literature

Frederick Williams
Essay "Daphne Transformed"

Alexandra Jane Yarrow
Essay "Sympathy in the Novels of E.M. Forster"

Heiko ZimmermannHow can you help?

Aspects of E.M. Forster, which was created and is maintained by Heiko Zimmermann, is a non-profit project. Since there is no institution behind it, we cannot afford licenses for texts, photographs etc. The fees for the hosting of the site are paid by the webmaster himself. If you think the service is worthwhile, you may help us.

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We are constantly looking for contributions as e.g. essays. So, if you have written an essay for your high school or university course, send it via email to us. It will be published here and-if you want-your name will appear in the text. If you have already published an essay and are still owner of the copyright, you can also allow us to use your text. It will be scanned by us if the publication is available.

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This site uses the script language PHP3 to dynamise the content.Aspects of E.M. Forster uses the script language PHP to dynamise the content. All pages of the site were generated using a Linux system. The data is hosted on a Linux Apache server in Germany. (h.z.)

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