em forster .de



Further Notices

16 April 2014

I liked this site very much. I have to agree with some of
the others who signed here, that it could use more in-depth
articles/criticisms about Forster and his work, but I do
understand you're still putting material together. I'll
see if I have anything I could contribute. All in all,
great job!

Daniel from <a href="http://www.filebees.com/de">Mallorca</A>

27 January 2014

em forster's is such a wonderful man to be known, his novels n essays are a kind of breath taking n excellent in many aspects.... i was just wondering about his conclusion n the message he wanted to deliver through his dramatic essay"our graves in gallipoli"..

24 February 2013

great resource - glad I found you. appreciate the information here.

23 March 2012

Correction to my last note..22nd March
The inscription on the reverse reads...
H.M.F from E.M.F. 1898

Christopher PRANCE
22 March 2012

I have in my possession a framed watercolour painting of a river scene. It is signed E.M.F. and dated 1895.
On the reverse is an inscription
H.M.F from E.M.F 1889

Do you think this has any connection with the E.M.Forster of this site?

6 December 2011


11 July 2011

Thank you! This site was of much help.

3 July 2011

I was first introduced to Forster through the Merchant&Ivory films of "Maurice" and "A Room With a View". This website led me to information on where I might find and purchase his Abinger editions, and I am forever grateful.

2 February 2011

This site helped with my 30pg English paper on Forster, so thank you very much!

26 November 2010

Thanks! This site helped me very much in my analytical book report on E.M Forster's book, "Where Angels fear to tread" :)

Col Col
18 November 2010

Loved this site. Thanks for the information you gathered.

Amanda Goff
28 January 2010

Well organized website. Interesting and to the point--I like that.

1 October 2009

I am writing a paper on EM Forster and the question in what is meant when he writes "I don't know what I think until I see what I've said." I am wondering is this saying misquoted and should it be "How can I know what I think till I see what I say?" Please give input on these questions.

[Dear Harwell, Why don't you have a look at the
respective thread on the board? Best wishes, Heiko]

pat ward
30 September 2009

Does anyone have anything or know anything about the house Forster lived in in Ravello Italy? There is a carved stone set into the house,which is all locked up and looks totally unlived in, which, amongst other things, states his name, date and `Left in a Panic'. Does anyone know why he left in a panic. I think this relates somehow to his short story. It has been facinating me for quite a while. Help please.

nice site
9 September 2009

What is the theme of Me, Them and You? I am so confused!

27 August 2009

i have been trying to get the book HILL OF DEVI since i was staying at dewas for 16 years. can any one help me in getting the book.

22 April 2009

I just finished "The Machine Stops" and it really got me thinking, there are so many things on earth now that have come true, just as Forster producted; yet, so many of his prodictions have not yet come to be, it really makes one wonder weather or not he was really from that time period, or was he from a different time and was some how sent back into the past, where he lived that story, and just wrote it and it some how became what it is today. I mean, that was just a random thought that there

david gravett
1 April 2009

great and helpful website. certainly am not a fan of "the other side of the hedge" though... (workin on an english assignment)

9 June 2008

Worst book I have ever read!! Dont read it, especially if it is for an english project

about "The Other Boat" ???
13 October 2007

What is the theme of "The Other Boat" ??

can anyone help me please !

Thank you very much :D

9 October 2007

hallo :)

Kann mir jemand etwas ¸ber den Erz‰hler oder die Erz‰hltechnik in "The Other Side of the Hedge" erz‰hlen?

28 April 2007

There's also another link where you can find the free unadbriged version of A Room With a View (the one on this page doesn't seem to work) in Project Gutenberg (www.gutenberg.org).
Cheers,nice website

[Cheers, 'The Girl': I will check it once I get to update this website.]

6 February 2007


12 December 2006

Reconozco en Forster al hombre escritor. Necesito respuesta a esta pregunta: øEn quÌ obra escribiÛ esta frase: cÛmo sÌ cÛmo pienso si no hasta que veo lo que digo? Gracias por esta inportante p·gina.

[Vielen Dank, lieber Socorro,

tut mir leid, aber mein Spanisch reicht wohl nicht ganz aus um adäquat zu antworten. Schau mal
hier. Da gibt's die Antwort auf deine Frage. Danke auch für das Lob!

Liebe Grüße,


16 October 2006

Hello i am not reallly sure how this works however i am looking for critics of E.E.Foresters novel "A Room with A View" and was woundering if you could help thanks for your time. megan

13 October 2006

i want to knew the aspects of english novel and i want any one help me to find it

26 April 2006

I have just found, in my late uncles belongings, an envelope (without the letter in it) postmarked 10.08.1940 at Dorking Surrey, addressed to a Mrs Davis of Brookville house ?Co. Dublin and seeming to be sent from E M FORSTER. Although the writing is quite diffiucult to decipher, part of his return address reads 'West H__hurst, A___ H____England. The envelope states it was 'opened by censor'. The writing seems to resemble that on the front coverof 'Maurice'. Would this be of any interest to any Forster

17 March 2006


28 February 2006

and there is Britten-Pears Library there, and we can understand how Forster had been interested in Britten's music, and how much he had been excited of creating the opera together. Aldeburgh Festival is held every year, so if anybody is interested in Forster and music, please visit Aldeburgh to walk the seashore where Forster had walkies! If anyone would like to read Forster's novels all through, I have a suggestion: please pay attention to the music reffered to each novel. Forster was a great pianist and

Izumi O. Dryden, Ph.D. (Zumi)
28 February 2006

I wish I could have known this site much earlier. It is so nice to know many people are interested in Forster and his works and talking through this site. This site is great! I would like many people to know more about Forster and his works. Also I would like people to visit where Forster had been while he was alive. When he worked on the Opera Billy Budd with his friends Benjamin Britten and Eric Crozier, he was staying in Britten's house in Aldeburgh, Suffolk. Aldeburgh is a wonderful place, and there i

28 February 2006

Three Cheers for Forster!

15 February 2006

was'nt expecting this site to be so cool and
informative, thanx for all the effort you put in to it.

Clive M Buckingham
30 January 2006

I was very interested to discover this site.
I am one of the two grandsons of Robert and May Buckingham, and although I was only 14 when EMF died, I have very fond memories of "Uncle Morgan" who was so often resident at my grandparent's house in Coventry when we visited.
My "M" is for Morgan, and my Dad's was too.
Just a couple of comments:
1. There doesn't seem to be much mention of his humour. I find one of the most charming aspects of his novels is the gentle, light but ironic h

14 November 2005

Hi nice site! Good Job!

Tim Watson
20 August 2005

Glad to have found this site...anyone wanting to read an excellent Bio on him should read E M Forster by" Nicola Beauman KNOPF Publishers...amazing insight to this humble but complex writer who dreamed of a better world for everybody....His novel Maurice helped me "comeOUt" and literally changed my life....his novels made into Movies by MERCHANT IVORY PRODUCTIONS are some of the best cinema out there and meticuously close to his writing...thanx....N Falls CANADA

[h.z.: I find it marvellous that Maurice can still have such an effect (I don't know when you read it, i.e. how old you are.). Seems to be worth continuing recommending it to younger people. Thanks, Tim.]

Mike Fleming
23 July 2005

You have a very nice website here, I enjoyed looking at it.
Best of Wishes to you.

14 April 2005

I'm student from Tunisia and I'm looking for some information about these chapters of E.M. Foster ,
1)The Lake Fcene:Imagical and marginal passage ?
2) Male comradeship companonship and fleurtation
3) The lake fcene compared with the fiesole episode
4) Symbolism : imagionary of water, release of sexual passion
5) Out break of imaginaive force in Foster
6)Dispassage shoud be also parralled with four chapter and lucy's ewakening.

Thanks a lot for your attention

Dutch & Swiggy
8 April 2005

We two dudes were browsing around looking for info about Walt Whitman, but we kinda like Forster too! That's awesome!!!!! Great Site!!!!
Shout out to our bud Kenny!!!

11 February 2005

good site keep it up

3 February 2005

i like this story

Joe V.
17 January 2005

Great site ! I discovered E.M. Forster late in life !
I think he ranks at the top with the best of all the writers of the last 100 years !
Too bad his work was not appreciated earlier !

1 January 2005

As an avid Forsterite, I love your site! The reviews are very helpful and navigating is easy because the organization (links) is good.

Since EM Forster was a Theosophist, I'd enjoy information about this aspect of his life because it probably had an impact on his writings.

Thanks for giving me a good time and Happy Birthday, EMF!

25 December 2004

great site! enjoyed surfing through the articles :)

10 December 2004

Sir iam an environmental student in university of Calabar.preparing 4 my finnal prpject so Sir I need ur help in the area of textbooks 4 environmental sciences.Beside Iam a young girl of 20 from Nigeria, and I wish to make u a friend.

29 October 2004

I have come across a Christmas Card from E M Forster (he has crossed out his name and replaced it with writing 'Morgan's love') and I was wondering if you could help me find out if it is worth anything? Thanks for your time.

22 September 2004

i need info on Forster's Where Angels Fear to Tread: criticisms, plot, anything.. any help would be greatly appreciated. Its for my english class and i have to pass..

3 September 2004

Hi...We need to safe the world
if you want to help, link to this site from your website.
Copy and paste this code to your site

<a title="The true reality about George W. Bush [...]
[h.z.: Sorry, no true reality here.]

Takahiro F.
27 July 2004

I'm a student in Japan and studies on E.M.forster.
I must write a MA thesis and I've been suffuering...
I'll refer to this site!!

Thanks a lot!!!

man tonee
24 July 2004

Our country needed a tough man whom will challenge the white.
[h.z.: Are you sure you are right here?]

19 July 2004

Hello :)

5 July 2004

Hi!!! HELLO!! bye

9 May 2004

Hey, thanks for all the info on Forster. I have to do a workshop about him for my class (even though no one really gives a crap except for my teacher). Thanks for everything though!

Becka (
16 March 2004

ello 2 any gals or boys locked in in Norf London!11
im in english klass on dis website!bored...........
actually why am i sayin ello? any one in dere right ming wud go on dis website only if dey ad 2!!!

Becka (
16 March 2004

Just ad 2 go on dis website coz im doin sum presentation on dis bloke called Forster. Its alrit dis website coz it has da information you need but u gota admit its propa borin!!!! its well dull especially 4 me a 15 year old. But i suppose it aint ment 2 b an exciting website as its educational website innit? i wouldnt go on it if i wernt doin dis skool fing but wen u fink about it hoo wud??

Laura (board editor)
20 January 2004

Just a note to let everyone know that if you have a QUESTION rather than a comment, please go to "Board" in the menu on the left, this will take you to the message board that Heiko designed especially to this purpose: answers can be put right under your questions. Many thanks!

Kind regards, Laura

17 December 2003

I'm doing a thesis comparing the racial conflicts in society. I'm comparing A Passage to India and To Kill a Mockingbird. Your site helped me with my research. Thanks and i'd like to hear from anyone with any more research i could use.


3 December 2003

Hi!! I live just outside Cmabridge (where Forster studied), in a village called Sawston. As many of you will know this village features a number of Forsters books. As yet I haven't found anything to link him to the place other than that he would have heard of it/passed through it. Interesting none the less.

2 November 2003

Ponosan sam na vas. Veliki sam stovatelj djela E.M. Forstera. U Hrvatskoj je u pripremi prijevod Puta do Indije. Svako dobro svima koji posje&#263;uju ove web stranice.

Emily Martinez
29 October 2003

This is a really cool site I just love this stuff don't listen to the other fucking shit people say thanks alot

28 September 2003

Hi, does anyone know if the famous phrase 'I don't know what I think until I know what I said' comes froma book? and if yes, which one?

S. Antonio Arch
6 September 2003

This site has neen invaluable in my research. Thank you so much for not only taking so much time but sharing it with the community!

crapfacesquarepants (harborbeach.k12.mi.us)
10 June 2003

HEllo morons. youre stupid

20 May 2003

Forster seems to me important because of his association with the Bloomsbury group, rather than as a result of his writings.
By 2070 he'll be a very minor early 20th century writer.
Is my evaluation a valid one?

19 May 2003

Who is Em Forster anyway? i'm looking for Winston Churchill....

Foo&Boo (sq1.clackesd.k12.or.us)
14 May 2003

Im bored. lets sing a song.
I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves, everybodys nerves!!!!!

BOOBOO (sq1.clackesd.k12.or.us)
14 May 2003

Help us!!!! No.... Clue.... No.... Clue... AAAAhhhh!!!HELLLLL[...]PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!

poo_noodles (e0.filt2.davidson.tn.ena.net)
1 May 2003

you really need to make this a lot easier!!! I can't find the cclue!!

EEK!! (stutzman.glenbrookdodge.com)
22 April 2003

geeeee! give me the dumb clue!!!!!!![...]!!!!!!!

April Summers (stutzman.glenbrookdodge.com)
22 April 2003

Give me the stupid clue mt god

i don no (stutzman.glenbrookdodge.com)
22 April 2003

WHERE IS THA CLUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

???? (
22 April 2003

cybersafari practice ? whare is ythe clue?

westside (eduproxy3.k12.de.us)
4 April 2003

how could anyone like this wack site it sucks

4 April 2003

How are you doing,Iam doing fine and yourself.

2 April 2003

could you please give this web site a little more life? i found it on the rather boring side! thanks you very much!

Stephanie C
16 March 2003

great help to my British Author project!

Best site that I could find

4 March 2003

Could you please send me the book report of Howard's End?please!

12 February 2003

I had to write an essay on EM Forester. Without this site I wouldn't have been able to finish it and it was worth 20% of my grade. Thank You so much !!! :O)

23 January 2003

You could have more detailed info on his time in India

Aisha Maria Oilworkerson (
23 January 2003

Anti-War poem / the last song of the mothers

welcome to the Gulf/
American brothers/
Britannian brothers/
taste hospitality/
instead of the blood, what the official jackals promised/
drink our clean water/
eat our orientalistic food/
but don't massacre our children/
don't kill the oppressed peoples/
are you true human?/
please, mothers of Western/
tell ye' your children!/
don't believe in the/
Jewish ruled imperialism/
don't listen to the/
lapdogs and bulldogs of/
weapon markets'

9 January 2003

what's the answer to the cyber surfari question?

4 January 2003

This site stinks on ice, dude. I can't find ANYTHING!

donald barilla
5 December 2002

I recently finished reading Forster's first novel. Deeply passionate and a very rich understanding of family and culture. Great religous tones to it, I now have a better understanding of sin and virtue. It is a definite must.

2 December 2002

i have a report due tomorrow on a room with a view. im not done with the book yet. can anyone sum it up for me.

18 November 2002

whats ther answer to the cyber cyfari question?

29 October 2002

Hi am doing cybersafari. greetings from Florida!!! I like cats and my team's name is the S.S. POS. (Piece of Sugar.) im or email me fellow safari peeps!!

18 October 2002

what's the answer to cybersurfari?

15 October 2002

great site - greetings from austria and www.race.at !

11 October 2002

I love yur site! :=)
But i'd like to see more news!
RmwaW will always be my favourite book!!!

30 September 2002

hi i like y'all

30 September 2002

thanks for supporting cybersurfari

17 September 2002

hi folo&ty

17 September 2002

h ya'll

Ben (E.M Forster) Marsh
12 September 2002

I would just like to say that forster is my absolute hero, he has inspired me to become the man that i am today, i owe my life to him.

god bless america

12 September 2002

E.M Forster was well sexy in his day!!! I am well jealous of all the men he spanked!!!
Get in there matey 'ave it!!!

Maria Suarez
18 July 2002

You site is really excellent for I have found the relevant data I was looking for. I interested in forste works so I would like to have more information about him and his works

Thank you

23 June 2002

i't a good begining! go on!

5 June 2002

he is really a good author.recently i read his novel 'passage to india' and how jenious he was.thank you for the situs. it's helps to finish my paper.Good job!!!!!

22 May 2002

Thank you again, Heiko! I'm getting on...

10 May 2002

I just stumbled on to "A Room With a View" yesterday and couldn't put it down! Thanks so much for the links to the online sources, I can't wait to read forster's other novels. A good sight, a bit minimalist, but to each his own.

18 April 2002

Hey guys you have a nice site! (Note: Due to interferences with our code of conduct, this message had to be shortened.)

17 April 2002

Great page! It helped me alot with my project about E.M Forster

12 March 2002

Heiko --

Nice redesign! Makes me want to go buy oranges... :-)

Thanks again for your kindness in the past.

(the 'Only Connect' Site: http://www.musicandmeaning.com/forster/)

14 February 2002


9 February 2002

this site is excellent! i am pleased to say that i gathered a great deal of useful information which i shall use in my essay on Howards End.
Keep up the good work!

Don Zook-Slagel
31 January 2002

Only one of the reasons I read Forster is that with each reading, I find something new, something I missed earlier. That said, the only thing which might have changed is the reader. I care little for the films made from his novel; they are never as alive as his words. MY favoirite books: Two Cheers for Democracy and Abinger Harvest. It was the latter that "turned me on" to Sturgis'
Belchamber. If you can find it, read it.

29 January 2002

Someone turned me on to this site. Very cool but not enough information. By the way, does anyone spell check anymore?

Dolores Heidenthal
13 December 2001

I am not doing research, just enjoyed reading A Room With a View and would like to talk about it with someone who also enjoyed it. I am just pushing Senior Citizen.

Missy a.k.a. Melissa
5 December 2001

There needs to be more info. about him. maybe sections? his young years, then who or what influenced him to start writing? But, yeah this place did not help me much. PEACE

20 November 2001

A good general site, but not enough comprehensive information about the actual texts. Why doesn't anyone read Maurice? It's much better than Howards End. Why can't men be victims of society and live happily ever after?
Why does it always have to be women? Read Maurice!!

5 November 2001

just a general comment.....i love forter's works so much, i have a cat named forster! (her companions are hobbes, hawthorne, dickens and fitzgerald) its wonderful to see so many reading forster these days. he is the best!!!!

10 September 2001

Hello, are there any other Forster fans out there? I
believe that the film adaptation of A Passage to India
reflects the novel beautifully; the casting especially is
superb, I couldn't imagine anyone other than Peggy Ashcroft
as Mrs Moore or Judy Davis as Adela Quested!

10 August 2001

Only connect...What is Forster's greatest work? I believe,
A Passage to India, followed closely by Howard's End. I
just wrote an essay on a Passage to India, THERE IS SO MUCH
IN IT! and I believe the film version captures it
beautifully, a pity Forster himself can't see it!!! By the
way, wasn't it India Forster spent time in rather than
Africa? I'm studying for a degree in English lit & I
believe that Forster is one of the best! From the
antipodes, T H S.

5 August 2001

I am studying English Literature at Oxford and am writing a
thesis on "Representations of homosexuality between 1910 an
1914" - this site was realy helpful, especialy the Da silva
essay - thank you!
If any one knows any other good sties, please contact me!

paul thompson
13 May 2001

good job. you're a winner.

12 May 2001

I like this web site.
I am interested in input from other readers of E.M. Forster,
for an English class I am taking. Forster is required
reading. I didn't find much on the web when researching
this author. ( only 8 sites ). This guest book is great, I
like reading others comments.

Tony Danza
22 April 2001

I just got done with a bean burrito and i can't stop
thinking of my brand new IROC that's sitting in my
driveway. Yes, and ur site has tickled each and everyone of
my senses. But seriously man, who's the boss? hey hey

Michael Gray
15 March 2001

An excellent site!

Please visit 'Cultural Critique'
for more freethought and debate.

Debbie Robson
11 March 2001

Thank you for a wonderful webpage. Just finished watching
Maurice with James Wilby and Hugh Grant. I enjoyed the
adaption but don't know if it is faithful as I haven't read
the book. I have read Where Angels Fear to Tread and Room
with a View though and enjoyed both. I wonder if E.M.
Forster would have enjoyed the company of Merchant and
Ivory. They have done a lot to help bring more people to
this wonderful author.

8 March 2001

Well done, but your email address 'webmaster.emforster.de'
is wrong.
I am a trustee of "The Friends of Forster Country", and
live a mile and a half from Howards'End- sorry "Rook's Nest
Farm". We( some 400 members) are trying to buy the land and
house to set up an international Study and Heritage Centre-
similar to Shaw's Corner nearby run by the National Trust.
You can visit our website on 'www.forstercountry.org.uk'.
I believe EM was an early environmentalist and there is
much undiscovered in his writings about his vision of our
future that we can learn from. Did you know he planted a
four and a half acre wood in 1933, wrote a " Pageant of
england " in 1938 with music by Ralph Vaughan William? He
was awarded the Companion of Honnour by the Queen and also
the Order of Merit a very rare honnour in the Sovereign's
gift alone- others include Sir Winston Churchill, Sir Edwin
Lutyens, Sir Henry Moore. EM refused a knighthood when
offered one it is believed. What a man! Try to visit the
archives at King's College, Cambridge University, England
and see his original scripts ! His handwriting is difficult
to read but his mind was razor sharp and his words honed
and chosen with the brillance of a true literary genius. We
will organise a symposium on him in Stevenage next year.
Watch our website for details.

1 March 2001

Thank you very much. Your page really helped me writing my
report about Forster.

27 February 2001

Thanks a lot for this website. It has been very helpful and

15 February 2001

Thanks for this webside!
I'll have to give a short report on Forster for school and
I'm sure it'll help me a lot.

2 February 2001

I found this site very ineresing and one is sure that I
will see it many times as Forster is he greatest story
teller of early 20th century.
Forser is one of those writers that I look up and admire
and one day I hope I will be able to write as good as him.

1 February 2001

How lovely, but can't we have pictures of the original
books. I have just seen a picture of A Passage to India in
it's original format with dustwrapper. This was first book
I found in our loft, a 2nd edition, with no wrapper and my
first treasure, I now have added a 4th edition of Howards
End, all in the dark red cloth. I love his books and want
to collect and read more. David Lean's film of India was
wonderful with superb music by Maurice Jarre, but I think
Alec Guiness was slightly miscast in the film.

Jason Casterlin
15 January 2001

I love the research and finding that i have dug up about
e.m.!!!!! he was a real genius!!!!!!!

11 January 2001

Great website. It really helped me out on my research paper.

19 October 2000

WOW!!! i was'nt expecting this site to be so cool and
informative, thanx for all the effort you put in to it.
E.M.forester writing really sparks something inside each of
us.Good luck for the future!!!

Sergio R. Franco
26 September 2000

A delicate and excellente writer, Forster should be more
read. Disculpen que no siga escribiendo en inglÈs pero
estoy un tanto fatigado. En todo caso, tan sÛlo deseo
reiterar mi complacencia por esta p·gina y saludar a los
admiradores, lectores y devotos de Forster, donde quiera
que estÈn.

Monika Luczak
9 September 2000

I'm writing my MA thesis on E.M.Forster so I'm very much
interested in this site. I hope to find more facts about
Forster here in the future (especially as far as critical
esseys are concerned).

Misuzu!(not Isuzu!!)
8 September 2000

this web helped me somewhat in that I could get to know
A little bit of the baclground idea of this author.
but I want more source. someone! help!!
I'm dealing with his book "a room with A view" for my
thesis. and I want to gather all the little information
I can get. hu.,, anyways.English is hard!!

Anjan K. Nath, Ph.D.
31 July 2000

I looked up Yahoo and was quite surprised that only 8 sites
on E.M. Forster were registered of which most are quite
sketchy. This site looks promising and I wish you all the
best in your collection. Forster deserves more attention;
after all it has been said that his "A Passage to India" is
the most comment upon book written in the twentieth century.

21 May 2000

A beautiful site, man! And one of the only ones I've seen
which was recently updated. Hooray!

14 May 2000

I liked this site very much. I have to agree with some of
the others who signed here, that it could use more in-depth
articles/criticisms about Forster and his work, but I do
understand you're still putting material together. I'll
see if I have anything I could contribute. All in all,
great job!


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©, 2000-2016, Aspects of E.M. Forster <http://emforster.de/>