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Posted by Anneli ( on :09:50:31 07/12/05

Hi. Could someone recommend me a good biography over EMF:s work and life, for a new-beginner who have read some of his books years ago and re-read "Maurice" recently.

Re: biography?

Posted by Heiko (editor) on 11:22:34 07/12/05

Furbank's _E.M. Forster: A Life_ is the standard biography for Forsterites. It's rather a tome (originally published in two volumes), but if you like reading and have some time, it's the best, I think. There are some other bios around: Mary Lago and Nicola Beauman are also recommendable.


Posted by Zumi ( on :16:54:50 16/02/06

I would like to recommend Nicola Beauman's 'Morgan: A Biography of E. M. Forster.' Also Wilfred Stone's 'The Cave and the Moountain: A Study of E. M. Forster' and Lionel Trilling's 'E. M. Forster' are useful to read to understand E. M. Forster. Good luck!

Biography again

Posted by Zumi ( on :14:24:15 17/02/06

If you would like to research further on Forster, 'Marianne Thornton: 1797-1887: A Domestic Biography' by Forster himself is one of wonderful works and Forster knows himself more than anybody else. So, if you have a chance to see this book, please read it. I also recommend Francis King's 'E. M. Forster.' If you read the novel 'Maurice' recently, you might like 'Queer Forster' by Robert K. Martin & george Piggford. Others are K. W. Gransden's 'E. M. Forster,' John Colmer's 'E. M. Forster: The Personal Voice,' and four volumes of Critical Assessments of E. M. Forster are highly recommended, but Forster says Oliver Stallybrass should be read if anyone would like to know about Forster, so please read 'Aspects of E. M. Forster' by Stallybrass. Also Alfred Borrello's 'E. M. Forster: Bibliography' might help you to know many people's opinions on Forster and his works. Good luck to you!


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