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The Story of The Siren

Posted by Jess ( on 03:41:51 02/11/05

I have searched the internet for weeks now and found next to nothing on this story. I've read it over and over again, and I keep drawing blanks. I have to do an oral report on it, and give a great deal of insight. (I had to get the ONE Forster story on which I cannot be insightful). I can give a basic summary, but I was hoping to do a lot more. Some sites have said that they thought the baby was going to be a savior? That really confuses me because I thought the child was supposed to be the anti- christ. And, how come Giuseppe was able to see the Siren, being evil and all-- or is Forster suggesting that he got what he deserved because he was not a nice person? I guess I am just confused as to who the real good guys are in this story, there are so many parallels! The priest thinks he is doing what is right, but is he really? Then again, that depends on whether or not the kid is a savior or the anti-christ.... anyone with some insight, please share, I would really appreciate it. Thanks.

the analysis of the story of the siren

Posted by iclal kandemir ( on 15:48:57 28/11/05

I have an assigment about the analysis of the story of the siren by e.m. forster.If you help me about this subject I will be glad.thanks for your attention!

the story of rhe siren

Posted by iclal kandemir ( on 13:21:12 30/11/05

first of all thank you for your atterntion!I feel myself confused.I couldn't understand the concept of goodness and badness in this short story.and I really don't know what to do:(

Re: The Story of the Siren

Posted by Heiko (editor) on 11:28:11 07/12/05

As Maxiford's already posted on this board: There is some discussion of this story in both "The Cave and the Mountain: A Study of E. M. Forster" by Wilfred Stone, and "E. M. Forster" by Lionel Trilling.

the story of siren

Posted by çiğdem ( on 15:42:16 29/10/06

I have an assıgnment about this story and I have to analyse it to the class.But I have aproblem I couldn't understand it thorougly.Is the baby the key of the story ?But I really wonder what's the importance of guisseppe's dampness after seeing the siren?I only want to catch a point I don't know anything about what to do........


Posted by edgar ( on 00:26:19 30/03/07

I myself have to do a research paper on this story and i get lost.All the sources i come upon for this story only gives me that its a good story one of the best he ever did.BUt, what i think is that is soppose to be a conflict of christianity and the siren being a pagen god.How religion tries to control what the people should do in the name of god and the priest commits a murder on an unborn child who is to save the world from ignorance and silence from the control of religion..i dont know im lost on this story =[

analysis of the story of

Posted by HİLAL ( on 13:01:28 14/11/07

ı couldnt fınd the analysis of this story (the story of the sıren) please send me a copy of it. please ı need to pass my class:( genchilal@hotmail.com

the story of the sıren

Posted by HILAL GENC ( on 17:08:08 14/11/07


the analysis of the story of the siren

Posted by efsun ( on 23:12:36 14/11/07

I have been searching in the internet for a long time and I could not find the analysis of the story of the siren.Please help me. I need it so much urgently!!!

RE: the anaylsis of the story of the siren

Posted by Heiko (editor) on 13:28:06 15/11/07

"efsun" wrote: "I have been searching in the internet for a long time"

Hey Efsun,

You should better have spent the time doing an analysis. It's just a short story. C'mon!

Good luck w/ it.

Best wishes,


the stoty of siren by forster

Posted by sayeh ( on 06:08:36 24/01/08

i have a research on this sory please help me in analyzing and also major themes of this story,

the analysis of the story of siren

Posted by eylül ( on 00:09:50 13/11/09

i have an assigment about this story i analysed it but i'm not sure whether it is true or not..please help me:(


Posted by Tim ( on 16:05:34 04/06/10

i'm also searching it for a report in class. i think maybe we can take it easy,and just seize the word-bias,you know. people at that time cannot tolerate something or somebody different...
of course we can connect it to the religion~


Posted by confuseddd ( on :22:28:36 01/11/10

one of ya'll should make it...it would halp me a lot

please help =(

Posted by reyhan depe ( on 20:28:28 03/12/10

i have an imoprtant exam on which the analyse of the story of the siren will be asked. please help me i could not find anythng on internet

themes of siren

Posted by riyad ( on 19:03:01 07/01/11

please help me in understanding siren and its themes , thanks


Posted by suryana ( on 10:56:50 11/02/11

place send me the analysis summary of this story. thank's


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