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English CUlture during EM forsters life

Posted by Laura V ( on 23:53:16 25/05/05

I am wondering how Forster's cultural expierience effected his writings. What was England like during the 1900's? What were the social issues at the time when he was writing his books? Bascally how did his life and the time period in England efect him? I believe that this could be a reason why he used the theme of discrimination of races, sexes, and social classes in his books. He certainly went against the flow on those issues. Does anyone have any insight?

social change

Posted by Alexandra ( on :02:35:02 28/05/05

You should definitely research the history of the Edwardian period in Britain, as Edwardian society was very much poised on the edge of great changes and social upheaval. Much of this was precipitated by the Boer War, the Great War, the struggle for women's suffrage, the rise of the socialist and labour movements, the exapansion into the suburbs, and so on.

Also, have a qucik look at my essay on this site, which deals primarily with how Forster's novels deal with connections between people across boundaries of class, race, culture, and gender.

EM Forster

Posted by Matt ( on 05:09:11 15/09/05

I will research the issues above, but am curious - In "The Longest Journey," there is almost a worship of Gerald Dawes. Given the Forster was never married, is it possible that he was homosexual?


Posted by Clara M ( on :15:49:49 07/05/08

In my Penguin edition of A Room with a View, Malcolm Bradbury writes in the introduction that efter gradutating from King's Collage "He was newly certain of two quite fundamental facts about himself [...] he knew he had lost his Christian faith [...]. He also knew he was homosexual in disposition."
So I think you're right!


Posted by Clara M ( on :15:51:09 07/05/08

How can I find your essay Alexandra?


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