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what is the significance of place and setting in "Howards end"?

Posted by Anette ( on :13:16:34 20/09/04

Please somebody help!!! I am trying to do my coursework and the subject is setting. I have to produce a piece of creative writing in the style of forsters howards end, and for this i need to know what he is trying to say when it comes to place and setting? that places influence people? that they are more important then people? Please Help!!!

Howards End

Posted by Laura (board editor) on 12:03:56 05/10/04

Of course Forster would never suggest places are more important than people. However, he strongly believed in what the Greek called the 'genus loci' (if I spell that correctly), a kind of spirit of place, so in that light a person can fit it, or not, in a certain place, places aren't arbitrary, they are genuinely to be felt as a home or not, and able to influence and even change people (Italy for instance in Where Angels Fear to Tread and in A Room with a View). In Howards End there is a huge significance in the tree's rustling in the wind in the garden of the house Howards End. Forster also seems to say in this novel that ones love for a place can be as real and emotionally nourishing as a love for a person. That kind of love is part of the connection between Mrs Wilcox and Margaret as well. Mrs Wilcox regarded Margaret as her spiritual heir.

Ciao, Laura

Howards End

Posted by Antonio Arch ( on 05:52:37 06/10/04

I agree with the post above. I would also like to add that in Ruth and Helen's case, the house represented an intidote to the city i.e. London, during which many structures were being "pulled down" to make way for mammouth buildings of flats, including the Schlegel's own house.

Thank you

Posted by Annette ( on :22:40:47 28/10/04

Thanks for getting back to me on this point - it has helped a lot.


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