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Abinger Editions

Posted by David ( on :00:27:02 18/09/04

I am a lifelong Forster fan but new to this fascinating site, so I am sorry if this has been raised elsewhere.

1) Are the Abinger editions being re-published?

2) If they are, by whom and in which country?

3) I have seen Laura's messages that Alexandria is to be published in an Abinger ediiton. As far as I know there it has not been in an Abinger edition until now.
Does this that the Abinger edition, begun 30 years ago, is now to be completed? And are the former volumes being re-issued?

4) If any former volumes have been re-issued which one are they and how much do they cost?

5) Are the new volumes and any re-issued ones, including Alexandria, in hardback as before?

5) What is the price range for these volumes?

6) All these questions refer to new and re-issued volumes not to second hand copies.

Thanks to anyone who can help and for reading through all this.

Further Abinger Editions

Posted by David ( on :23:28:59 18/09/04

Following up my own query,
I have since found that Andre Deutsch have published the following volumes in hardback in the Abinger Edition, all at £20 to £25: Mariane Thornton, Maurice, The Prince's Tale, The Machine Stops and Abinger Harvest. As far as I know, none of these was previously issued in the Abinger Edition.

This leaves one question unanswered: Are the previously issued volumes being re-isssued?

Abinger Editions

Posted by Laura (board editor) on 11:53:45 05/10/04

Hi David,
As far as I know there are no plans to reissue the Abinger Editions, so it seems we rely on libraries and second-hand copies. Indeed the ones published by Deutsch are the first editions (of Abinger Editions of these titles/materials). However, the books that were issued by Deutsch (apparently they took over from Edward Arnold, it is quite striking that there is a gap of over ten years between the Abingers published by EA and those by Deutsch) are also published in the United States, by Carlton. It would be great if there would be reissues! Of course some of the more familiar titles were used for Penguin editions, complete with Stallybrass' Introduction (e.g. A Room with a View). But the rarer titles, like The Lucy Novels, are now only available in those very rare Abinger covers. By the way, did you know that The Lucy Novels was used as well for the script of the Merchant Ivory film "A Room with a View"?

Best wishes, Laura


Posted by Laura (board editor) on 11:57:38 05/10/04

P.S. The Abinger Edition of Alexandria has been published in the meantime, so the series has indeed been completed now!

Abinger Editions

Posted by James ( on 20:24:19 06/01/09


Earlier today I came accross adn and purchased a of The Prince's Tale and other uncollected writings published by Andre Deutsch. On the half title page it reads The Abinger Edition of E. m. Forster / Volume 17.

Is a list of the full set with details of the first editions available>

Thanks and regards,


Abinger Editions

Posted by James ( on 20:42:05 06/01/09


Earlier today I came accross adn and purchased a of The Prince's Tale and other uncollected writings published by Andre Deutsch. On the half title page it reads The Abinger Edition of E. m. Forster / Volume 17.

Is a list of the full set with details of the first editions available>

Thanks and regards,


Abinger Editions List

Posted by Joanna ( on :16:36:14 03/07/11

I found this on worldcat.org when I searched for the Abinger Editions.

v. 1. Where angels fear to tread.--v. 2. The longest journey.--v. 3. A room with a view.--v. 3a. The Lucy novels: early sketches for A room with a view.--v. 4. Howards end.--v. 4a. The manuscripts of Howards end, correlated with Forster's final version.--v. 5. Maurice.--v. 6. A passage to India.--v. 6a. The manuscripts of a passage to India. --
v.7. The machine stops and other stories --
v. 8. The life to come, and other stories.--v. 9. Arctic summer and other fiction. --
v.10.Abinger harvest and England's pleasant land. --
v. 11. Two cheers for democracy.--v. 12. Aspects of the novel and related writings.--v. 13. Goldsworthy Lowes Dickinson and related writings.--v. 14. The hill of Devi.--
v. 15. Marianne Thornton --
v. 16. Alexandria, a history and guide and Pharos and Pharillon --
v.17. The Prince's tale and other uncollected writings.

volumes 7, 10, 17 were published by Andre Deutsch.


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