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Modern or not?

Posted by Daniel ( on :10:43:31 25/07/04

Was E. M. Forster a Modern or a Victorian Writer; or maybe none of this? Did he fit into his time? Were his works appreciated by his Bloomsbury friends?

Forster in context

Posted by Alexandra ( on :02:53:56 29/07/04

There is some basic info about Bloomsbury, which you probably have already seen, on this site ( at http://emforster.de/hypertext/template.php3?t=bloo )
Another interesting discussion/review of Forster's involvement in the group and his opinions of it is at http://www.press.jhu.edu/books/hopkins_guide_to_literary_theory/bloomsbury_group.html
As for the group's opinions of him, you might try to get a hold of a copy of Queer Forster, which I haven't had a chance to read yet. It discusses F's relationship with members of the group with respect especially to his homoseuality and that of various other Bloomsburyites. Also, keep in mind that some of Forster's early articles
and short stories were published in The Independent Review, which was a
Bloomsbury journal. I know he was close especially to Lytton Strachey, the Woolfs, and Roger Fry.
As for whether he is a Victorian or Modern writer, I think the simplest answer (but certainly not the only "right" one) is that he was a Modern writer who obviously had some Victorian influences. I think, anyway, that he was certainly a Modernist. You don't have to take my word for it: see some articles on modernism to get thinking about how Forster's work can be fit into the movement. I suggest http://www.brocku.ca/english/courses/2F55/modernism.html or http://www.class.uidaho.edu/eng258_1/modernists/homepageL.htm or, if you feel ambitious, the very comprehensive article at Wikipedia: http://www.class.uidaho.edu/eng258_1/modernists/homepageL.htm
Happy reading!

Forster modernizm and sociual realism

Posted by mahmoud ( on 12:10:44 24/07/05

What are the elements of modernism and social realism in Forster's fiction?

social realism

Posted by mahmoud Al Akhras ( on 18:38:32 29/09/05

How can I distinguish between the different aspects of Forster in his writing especially the two different periods of modernism and realism?

socialist and social aspects of realism

Posted by mahmoud al akhras ( on 18:58:48 15/11/05

There is a great difference between socialist and social aspects in realism. Comment on this if you have any interest to defend another perspective. email: akhrasmahmoud

Forster is a towering figure who has lived to some extent out of his age

Posted by Mahmoud Al Akhras ( on 13:17:07 26/03/08

I think that E.M. Forster lived in an age that was dominated by so many social restrictions. For this reason did not go further in his novel weiting even he was cabable of creating much more distinguished novels than these which he had written. I can sense there was a heavy political pressure on him that was behind his decision of stopping writing novels.


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