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E.M. Forsters " My Wood" (Please help!!!)

Posted by Mario ( on :00:03:33 24/04/04

Does Any body know what his attiude toward the experience toward owning property is and how he conveys his attiude.

My Wood

Posted by Heiko (editor) on 09:55:36 25/04/04

Hey Mario,

I think you've got three choices:

1.) Read the story. If you have already done so: re-read the story. Forster is quite explicit, so you can actually find his attiture in the text.

2.) If you want to go to a library. There is an essay (some pages) in a wonderful collection of essays about Forster (one of the writers is, for example, May Buckingham, the wife of Forster's most intimate friend...). However, this is the essay you should read:

W. Stone, "Forster on Profit and Loss," In _E.M. Forster: A Human Exploration_, ed. G. K. Das and J. Beer (London: Macmillan, 1979) 69-78 (pages).

3.) You can find some hints in Frederick Williams' essay (click the link below). It's really worth reading as a whole, but if you are only interested in "My Wood", start at page eight (it's just one or two pages then).

Best wishes, and a good read.


comment on My Wood

Posted by Cherry ( on 06:42:29 19/06/05

dear sir
I want to gat a composition about comment on My Wood

Thesis of My Wood

Posted by Zoe ( on :01:39:27 15/11/07

Hello, I was wondering how I should go about finding the thesis in the story "My Wood" by E.M. Forster. I kind of have an idea that it's about the effect of ownership of property on the human mind (character), but I'm not certain that this is in depth enough.

Thank you

RE: Thesis of My Wood

Posted by Heiko (editor) on 13:33:20 15/11/07

Hey Zoe,

Depends entirely on your aim. Ownership and the individual is surely the key. Maybe you should have a closer look at the story and describe this effect. Have a look at text (how is it organised, references to other texts (myth, ...)), subtext and context (e. g. when was it written, what was Forster like, ...).

Cf. above for info on secondary lit.

Best wishes,



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