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Italy With a View

Posted by Zeev ( on :19:47:18 30/03/04

I'm doing a research paper on A Room With a View, and the part Italy plays in it. I think I have an idea of what I want to say, but I'd like to hear some opinions.


Posted by Becks ( on 16:10:03 21/05/04

You could think about mentioning the character of the Italians, how they are "so kind and yet so violent", that they express their views and feelings in a manner which is so different to the conventional English (I was thinking of Miss Bartlett).

Also how Italy (especially the view) affects Lucy, and George.

You could mention "Phaetheon" and "Persephone", that they represent how Lucy and George feel, and how Mr Eager seperates them, like Miss Bartlett seperates Lucy and George.

Hope this gives you some ideas.


The Story of The Siren

Posted by Jess ( on 03:40:48 02/11/05

I have searched the internet for weeks now and found next to nothing on this story. I've read it over and over again, and I keep drawing blanks. I have to do an oral report on it, and give a great deal of insight. (I had to get the ONE Forster story on which I cannot be insightful). I can give a basic summary, but I was hoping to do a lot more. Some sites have said that they thought the baby was going to be a savior? That really confuses me because I thought the child was supposed to be the anti- christ. And, how come Giuseppe was able to see the Siren, being evil and all-- or is Forster suggesting that he got what he deserved because he was not a nice person? I guess I am just confused as to who the real good guys are in this story, there are so many parallels! The priest thinks he is doing what is right, but is he really? Then again, that depends on whether or not the kid is a savior or the anti-christ.... anyone with some insight, please share, I would really appreciate it. Thanks.


Posted by Jess ( on :03:43:00 02/11/05

sorry, I am new, didnt realize I posted this in the wrong place!


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