Posted by Laura (board editor) on 12:21:41 17/10/03
For everyone who has been trying in vain to acquire the Abinger Edition of 'Alexandria' which was due to be published last year, here's the update I've just received from Amazon (without asking for it; Amazon knows the meaning of the word Service!):
"We have contacted the publisher in regard to your ordered book. We have been informed that this title has not yet been published, however the publisher now expects the title to be released in late November 2003. Please note that this date is subject to change at the discretion of the publisher. "
Wonderful news! At last we'll have both 'Pharos and Pharillon' and 'Alexandria: A History and a Guide' in one Abinger volume. The Abinger Edition is reknown for its expertise editing and for its interesting and extensive annotations. So this will be a great read. I love Forster chiefly as a novelist, but the Guide was a pleasant surprise indeed. For those who don't know the book: do read it if you get the chance! You will admire his poise and subtlety and will fancy yourself hovering in a golden haze between the ages, as he takes your hand and leads you around.
Best wishes, Laura
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