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E.M/ Forster's style

Posted by Mallory ( on 03:52:56 04/08/03

I Read a Room with a View and i don't know the answer to this:
List anything significant that you notice about the author's style whil e reading A room with a View. you may want to consider such elements as diction imagery or symbolism

Re: E. M. Forster's Style

Posted by James ( on :10:17:32 08/08/03

Dear Mallory,

Haven't you noticed anything at all? Strange. I thought many things were obvious. What striked me during my first reading of the book was:

Music (Beethoven, Wagner),
references to philosophy (Schopenhauer, Nietzsche),
mythology (e.g. Pan (beginning of chapter 7)),
Italy and the mediteranean can be read as a metaphor also, think of where and how they kissed first, think of the view, think of the names (you might find some reference to American 'philosophers').

It's so much in there. If you don't have the time to read it again, you should see the movie. You will get an idea.



A Room With a View

Posted by Rebecca Conn ( on 19:19:09 13/05/04

Obviously, the symbolism of a VIEW; where the description of a pictorial view appears, it generally signifies the view of the inhabitants (or indeed Lucy) at the time e.g. In the conflict between Miss Bartlett and the Emersons at the beginning of the novel, Miss. Bartlett complains that their rooms have no view but then wars against the possibility of taking the rooms(view) of the Emersons. At Windy Corner, the drawing room curtains are closed against the sunlight and the view. Cecil is displeased by this, and gives them a 'twitch', suggesting that he is only pretentiously seeking light and a view.

Muddle, peevishness

Miss Bartlett as "A portent against the skies of evening", "Brown against the view"

The activity of the River Arno and its correspondence with Lucy's emotions.


The Sacred Lake - Liberation.

These are just a few, but i cant think of any more off the top of my head.

Best Wishes,


A Roo With A View

Posted by Aarthi ( on 05:37:11 10/09/04

Is elope the only way for the lovers to escape in A Room With A View

RE: e.m.Forsters style

Posted by Laura Blenkkinsop ( on :11:37:35 06/01/05

Rooms and views, Light and Dark, Music, Art(mr Emerson)

sympolism and humanism

Posted by nermine mahmoud ( on 00:12:30 07/12/05

please send me any useful pages that can help me in my last year project, it's about E.M Forster : a room with a view.

thanks so much.

re: style

Posted by alberto ( on :19:08:44 20/04/06

it seems to me what mallory actually meant was formal style, raher than symbolism... from the point of view of form, Forster is not really innovative. His style is conventional, unlike the deep psychological considerations of freedom vs Establishment, and the strong symbolism... it is there, rather than on form, where Forster's greatness lies.

A Room With A View

Posted by Alyssa ( on :19:08:07 17/10/06

In Chapter 6 alone you could right a whole book on symbolism. You have a theme of Greek mythology using Phaeton and Persephone(chp. 6) and then Pan in (chp.7). You have the theme of spring symbolizing rebith. Another theme is love vs. celibacy and delicacy vs. beauty. And of course there's social snobbery. Some symbols are of course the view, all of the Greek gods and goddesses, violets, water, the wood, colors such as "brown" Charlotte. Of course, the English and the Italians are symbols unto themselves, the English representing the head and the Italians representing the heart. Forster's main theme in all of his books is "Only connect" (A Passage to India I believe). It is only when the head and the heart work together we have a well-balanced person. Lets see. . . The Sacred lake is another symbol- oh an important theme is women liberation. I disagree with Alberto. Forster is very innovative!! He is all the time inserting witty and deeper connotations. As a writer I believe his greatness lies in his slyness.

Humanism in A Room With A View

Posted by Numpty United's Number 1 ( on :19:30:11 01/11/06

In your opinion, what are the humanist elements in ARWAV?


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