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The end of a quote

Posted by Catherine Mulhern ( on :23:01:59 09/01/03

I am trying to find the end to a long quote from Forster, which begins "The people I admire are those who are sensitive and want to create something.......,
it goes on
their pluck isn't swankiness, but......"
I believe it isn't much longer
Can you help?
Thank you/


Posted by Laura (board editor) on 22:33:34 12/01/03

Hi Catherine,

Indeed, if you were to look upon these two short quotes as belonging to the same quote, this quote would run for over four pages. :) Both quotes are from the famous essay 'What I Believe', which can be found in the book 'Two Cheers for Democracy'. If you like to have any of these two quotes in more detail, please email me at laura@forster.de

Best, Laura


Posted by Laura (board editor) on 22:34:47 12/01/03

P.S. That's of course template.php3?t=mail&to=laura

"To see the world clearly and to see it whole"

Posted by Rachel McAlpine ( on 21:58:54 13/12/03

My brother-in-law is hunting for a quote from Howard's End that sums up the way he has tried to live his life. He has leukaemia, so this is very much on his mind at present. He can't locate the quote in the novel and nor have I so far.

He thinks it is something like,
"to see the world clearly and to see it whole"

Can you please pinpoint where in the novel it occurs, and if possible quote the whole extract?

Howard's End quote

Posted by Matthew ( on 23:51:11 25/06/04

I hate to disappoint your brother-in law but the quote (which I also am struggling to find in the text) is about two different types of people--those who see the world clearly and those who see it whole.

If I find the quote in the text, I will post again or send directly to you.

Quote: Matthew Arnold

Posted by Heiko (editor) on 00:40:20 26/06/04

Dear Rachel, dear Matthew,

In the uniform edition (1924) of Howards End you can read on page 172:

"England was alive, throbbing through all her estuaries, crying for joy through the mouths of all her gulls, and the north wind, with contrary motion, blew stronger against her rising seas. What did it mean? For what end are her fair complexities, her changes of soil, her sinuous coast? Does she belong to those who have moulded her and made her feared by other lands, or to those who have added nothing to her power, but have somehow seen her, seen the whole island at once, lying as a jewel in a silver sea, sailing as a ship of souls, with all the brave world's fleet accompanying her towards eternity?"

This is the reference (although there are further, e.g. the motto of the book) to Matthew Arnold's ideal "to see the life steadily and see it whole" (below, there should be a link to Arnold's poem).

Hope this helps.

Best wishes,



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