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Celestial Omnibus by: EM Forster

Posted by Deanna ( on 03:23:02 03/01/03

I need help with some questions to finish up my homeschool. If any one is able to help please let me know.

1. What is the relationship between the bus ride and reading in "The Celestial Omnibus"? What similarities are there between reading and taking an adventure or trip?

2. How does the boy's attitude toward adventure differ from that of Mr. Bons? How does this attitude relate to reading?

Homeschool, eh?

Posted by melly ( on 19:40:06 10/02/03

We must be doing the same course; I have those questions too. Did you ever find any info? If you did, maybe you could email it to me or something? (shmellypooo@aol.com) It would help me a lot :)


Posted by Tara ( on 20:02:56 13/03/04

1)The bus ride is a metaphor for reading. A reader can take a trip through a book by using some imagination, and go on adventures with his mind.

2)Describe the reactions of the boy and Bons. One should be open to the classics and appreciate the story.

the answers are in the book.


Posted by Jessica ( on 06:03:57 19/07/04

I have the same questions! help! someone please email me the answers ASAP!

pretty nifty

Posted by laurellz ( on 06:03:27 19/01/05

hey thats pretty cool, i have the exact same questions too! i've never met anyone enrolled in the same school as me. how you guys doing?!

celestial omnibus

Posted by nik ( on :06:01:49 25/02/05

i have trouble on the same question of that story(celestial omnibus) send a reply if u have the answer, thanx

celestial omnibus

Posted by Nick ( on 22:09:01 25/02/05

have trouble on the same question of that story(celestial omnibus) send a reply if u have the answer, thanx


Posted by Cleo ( on :10:28:17 01/03/05

I think Tara (see above) answered the questions quite concisely.

But I can repeat them:

Q: What is the relationship between the bus ride and reading in "The Celestial Omnibus"? What similarities are there between reading and taking an adventure or trip?

A: The bus ride is a METAPHOR for reading. A reader can take a trip through a book by using some imagination, and go on adventures with his mind.

Q: How does the boy's attitude toward adventure differ from that of Mr. Bons? How does this attitude relate to reading?

A: (Describe the reactions of the boy and Bons. One should be open to the classics and appreciate the story.) The boy is open to the classics, he perceives all the things by the heart, not by the mind as Mr Bons does. Relation to reading: You should be open to the story, to emotions etc. You ought to connect the mind (what you read, what you know etc.) with the heart (what you feel).

Cheers, Cleo

the verger

Posted by patrick williamson ( on 00:58:56 21/05/05

i have home school too and i need answers on the verger-why does the vicar believe albert edwards is unsuitedto the office of verger?


Posted by adel ( on :22:27:13 20/07/05

this is funny i had the same problem with these questions...im doing homeschool also... its by correspondence from The American School i also need help with the question posted by patrick about verger

The Verger

Posted by crystal ( on :00:39:55 31/07/05

I have 2 question help me please!
1 In the verger why does the vicar believe Albert Edward is unsuited to the office of verger? why does albert edward believe that the vicar is the wrong person for St. Peters congregation?
Please help ASAP!


Posted by April ( on :02:33:00 31/07/05

The vicer doesn't think that Edward is qualifed because he can neither read nor write.

the verger

Posted by suaeed ( on 03:33:00 23/12/05

HELP WITH VER... [h.z.: Mind your manners, please; don't shout in here.] ...ELP!


Posted by Savannah ( on :03:39:54 01/07/06

Why does Albert Edward believe that the vicar is the wrong person for St. Peter's congregation?


Posted by Rebecca ( on :00:25:27 23/08/06

Albert Edward does not believe the vicar is qualified because he is from the East End and is not as classy as the people in the congregation

Wuthering heights

Posted by Michelle ( on 20:06:47 24/02/07

Is any one done with wethering heights ?????
i need help???

wuthering heights

Posted by janna ( on :17:06:59 10/04/07

wow this is amazing. thank you all for all this help!!

im going to need help on the wuthering heights book too..
its wicked hard for me to understand.

wuthering heights

Posted by janna ( on :17:15:46 10/04/07

wow this is amazing. thank you all for all this help!!

im going to need help on the wuthering heights book too..
its wicked hard for me to understand.

The Rocking-Horse Winner

Posted by jess ( on :23:10:00 11/04/07

Can anyone help with the question:

How is the idea of "luck" presented in the story "The Rocking-Horse Winner"? Show how the idea of the desirability of luck changes as the story goes on.

thank ya!


Posted by kain ( on :20:49:21 30/04/07

american school
anyone els out there
working on this subj.?

US history

Posted by Veronica ( on 00:39:47 31/05/07

I finished US History a few months ago... whatca need


Posted by Vanessa ( on :17:12:49 04/06/07

Anwsers to wuthering heights are on cliffs notes...hope it helps!


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